The Road Less Travelled

We could have turned right with everyone else but the other direction was described as rugged beauty. No fuel, no hotels, no groceries, and the main gateway was a very shallow sandbar impassable by many boats. Perfect—we turned left.

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Stuck In A Hole

Giant marine sinkholes—what are they? What’s inside of them? How did we get Gémeaux in the middle? And, how the heck did we get that picture? So many of you have asked, so here you go…

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The Soul Of An Octopus

The noise got louder and the pounding intensified. I tried to remain calm as breathing became more difficult. I knew I had swum too close to the craggy shoreline and the next wave would hurl me into rocks.

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Dinghy Walkabout

Upon learning that indeed selling someone’s own property back to them or to someone else is against the law, an official sting operation was launched. Now under the direction of the Turks and Caicos police force, Mike and Allen set off for the agreed-upon drop point at the gas station.

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Earthquake At Sea

The third earthquake struck at sunrise shutting down all power to the island and foiling our plans to fuel before leaving on an offshore passage. Do we have enough fuel to make it? What happens when we’re at sea if another quake hits?

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The Virgins–Or Are They?

Growing up in National Parks, I took for granted our natural resources would be well protected. I contemplated the state of our planet—warming climates, trash, apathy—we see it everywhere in our travels…and today, even in a National Park.

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Passage To St Martin

I’m afraid of the dark. When I was little I’d take a flying leap into my bed so the boogey monster couldn’t drag me into his lair. Fast forward and I’m forced to face my fear on a boat in the middle of an ocean.

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New York New York!

I’m not sure any urban mecca could be at the top of my sailing list, but taking Gémeaux down the East River certainly was a thrill and an absolute spectacular way to enter New York City.

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Millions And Billions Of Lobster Pots

Daylight emerges ever so quietly in a heavy bank of fog. After hours of uninterrupted seas during our overnight passage from Cape Cod, lobster pots make their debut. Suddenly, a loud CLUNK! against the hull draws us all to attention.

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Hey Gémeaux–Where Did You Go?

New Year…new resolutions—I’ll write more! I do write a daily entry in our log book but the sailing talk would bore you. You know I love to write and really I want to keep you up-to-date on our adventures. Did you also know I get sea sick?

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Rally Reflections

Eight months ago I sat amidst charts and maps learning how to spell Huaritcheru. I still had little experience sailing and zero experience with the geography of the Western Caribbean.

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From Dot’s Diary…

When your sweet kitty leaves a hole in your heart, it’s a real treasure to revive some memories. Hidden deep in a pile of half-finished stories was this fun account from our sweet Dot. May it bring you a smile:)

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Stolen Hearts

None of us was prepared to have our hearts stolen. Our goal was to drop off donations for a local charity in Colombia. My goal was to capture images of the children and their mothers.

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Mountain Sailing

The first thing I noticed about Colombia were the mountains–peaks reaching straight up from the ocean beyond the clouds. How I’ve missed the mountains.

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Aruba: Island Civilization

“OH SHIT!” Allen exclaimed just as I was dozing off beside him at the helm. I immediately snapped up and dittoed “OH SHIT!” The entire sail was rapidly settling into the sea.

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Follow our cat

For more stories and photos of our current location (and Zemi!), please follow us at gemeauxcat on Instagram and Facebook.

Where We Are

Click on the map to zoom into our location and past voyages.

Where We’ve Been

Our adventure began in 2016 when we discovered Gémeaux in St. Martin. We explored the Caribbean, Colombia, San Blas, and The Bahamas, as well as the eastern seaboard of the U.S. In 2022, we crossed the Atlantic to the Mediterranean and sailed as far east as Croatia and Greece in 2023.

Where We’re Headed

We returned to our winter marina in Sicily in April 2024 and are now westbound hugging the Mediterranean coastlines of Italy, France, and Spain. We expect to cross the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean in November and enjoy one final winter in the Virgin Islands and The Bahamas. After 8 years of this amazing adventure, we plan to sell Gémeaux and become landlubbers in California.

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