Hunt For The Hippocampus

I’ve been searching for an underwater critter since we began this journey. It lives in the sea but is a terrible swimmer. It’s considered a fish but doesn’t have scales, a stomach, or teeth. The female of the species is in charge…

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Salt-Free Passage to The Bahamas

We take in a final sunset and slip under the covers before we launch into a 5-night sleepless passage. Two hours later, adrenaline turns us into night owls and we exit in the dark. Next stop Abaco…750 miles away.

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The MailBoat

What happens when we run out of pineapple? Tucked deep in Bahamian paradise hundreds of miles away from a supermarket, we learned about the Mailboat.

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The Evaporation of January

January evaporated at a speed faster than my fingers could write. Now, on this last day of the month, we’re safe on Gémeaux in bouncy water too rough to snorkel or paddle board so it’s the perfect day to describe where the month went.

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Puppy or Predator?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw it swimming fast at me. Face your danger, they always say, so I drew my legs into my chest and kicked hard. All the splashing just obscured my view so I couldn’t see the direction of his next assault. 

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The Long and Short Of It

It’s 80 miles long and only four miles wide. It’s home to the second deepest blue hole in the world and you can get married here but you’ll need proof of spinstership! That’s the short of it. Want to hear the long story? 

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Cat On Cat At Cat

My name is Zemi and I’m the newest crew member on Gémeaux. Look for Cat on Cat posts—those are my stories of being a boat cat on Gémeaux. But first, let me tell you how I got here. 

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Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride To The Bahamas

We should have been sitting on an Italian terrace drinking Chianti, but a global pandemic tends to alter plans. We registered again for the annual Salty Dawg Rally—it was wild and unpredictable from the start.

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Covid-19 is closing borders, forcing people to find a new way of life…making all the decisions. For us, the ultimate dictator is still weather. An incoming storm drove us to the Abacos, an island still recovering from the last storm.

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Shelter-In-Place At Sea

Living on a sailboat essentially has prepared us for a pandemic. If this lovely tropical scene has provided any sense of insulation, it all disappeared the day we learned a family member tested positive for Covid-19.

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The Road Less Travelled

We could have turned right with everyone else but the other direction was described as rugged beauty. No fuel, no hotels, no groceries, and the main gateway was a very shallow sandbar impassable by many boats. Perfect—we turned left.

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Stuck In A Hole

Giant marine sinkholes—what are they? What’s inside of them? How did we get Gémeaux in the middle? And, how the heck did we get that picture? So many of you have asked, so here you go…

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The Soul Of An Octopus

The noise got louder and the pounding intensified. I tried to remain calm as breathing became more difficult. I knew I had swum too close to the craggy shoreline and the next wave would hurl me into rocks.

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Dinghy Walkabout

Upon learning that indeed selling someone’s own property back to them or to someone else is against the law, an official sting operation was launched. Now under the direction of the Turks and Caicos police force, Mike and Allen set off for the agreed-upon drop point at the gas station.

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Earthquake At Sea

The third earthquake struck at sunrise shutting down all power to the island and foiling our plans to fuel before leaving on an offshore passage. Do we have enough fuel to make it? What happens when we’re at sea if another quake hits?

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Where We Are

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Where We’ve Been

Our adventure began in 2016 when we discovered Gémeaux in St. Martin. We explored the Caribbean, Colombia, San Blas, and The Bahamas, as well as the eastern seaboard of the U.S. In 2022, we crossed the Atlantic to the Mediterranean and sailed as far east as Croatia and Greece in 2023.

Where We’re Headed

We returned to our winter marina in Sicily in April 2024 and are now westbound hugging the Mediterranean coastlines of Italy, France, and Spain. We expect to cross the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean in November and enjoy one final winter in the Virgin Islands and The Bahamas. After 8 years of this amazing adventure, we plan to sell Gémeaux and become landlubbers in California.

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