Celebrities In Curaçao
We dress in our formal Gémeaux shirts since nobody onboard has the requisite roman numerals in their name to don a blue blazer. Our parade of boats enters in formation.
Read MoreDec 10, 2018 | 1
We dress in our formal Gémeaux shirts since nobody onboard has the requisite roman numerals in their name to don a blue blazer. Our parade of boats enters in formation.
Read MoreDec 3, 2018 | 2
Always anxious to explore a remote corner of our natural world, our first stop is a tiny, flat desert island with a white sand beach, five huts, and a lighthouse.
Read MoreNov 25, 2018 | 6
5:45am presents a beautiful orange daybreak in Curaçao. It is our last. Today is the day we have been waiting for…the official start of the Suzie Too Rally.
Read MoreNov 17, 2018 | 3
So Allen wants his own blog. If you’re one of our readers who wants to prevent a failing emergency hatch or curious about what a fo’c’sle is, welcome!
Read MoreNov 14, 2018 | 2
I was born in Yellowstone National Park. I love nature and the outdoors and all the critters on the planet. Except ticks. Yuck.
Read MoreNov 11, 2018 | 5
I have a love/hate relationship with passages. I love being away from civilization, surrounded by a blank canvas of sea that rekindles my soul. I hate the lack of sleep.
Read MoreMay 19, 2018 | 8
When your beloved pet is sick, those Caribbean sunsets stop taking your breath away and just mark another day of hurt. At the base of St. Lucia’s majestic Pitons, we laid Dot to rest.
Read MoreMar 10, 2018 | 2
The guidebook said it was a sketchy town—a tourist had been held up at gunpoint a year ago. We left the cell phones and wallets locked on the boat and climbed into the dinghy to explore.
Read MoreFeb 10, 2018 | 1
The French Carribean island of Guadaloupe is shaped like a butterfly. About 10 miles off the bottom of its right wing lies a piece of heaven.
Read MoreJan 26, 2018 | 3
I do not like rough seas
I do not like them at all
It’s frightening I can say that
It’s no place for a princess cat
Jan 21, 2018 | 2
There was little information on the current state of Barbuda following the hurricane. Many speculated so much sand had shifted that navigation might indeed land you aground.
Read MoreDec 7, 2017 | 0
Entering Jolly Harbor after 14 days of being at sea is like seeing a rainbow after a storm. We’re giddy, but also apprehensive about re-entry.
Read MoreNov 16, 2017 | 0
We settled into a routine for our 14-day off-shore passage. Only a few hundred miles from our destination, we would face the ultimate crisis at sea.
Read MoreNov 1, 2017 | 5
I grew up in the National Park Service where the major grocery store was often 100 miles away. Fast forward through motherhood and backpacking trips and I feel well-equipped to provision a boat. Oh sea sickness…I hadn’t considered that.
Read MoreOur adventure began in 2016 when we discovered Gémeaux in St. Martin. We explored the Caribbean, Colombia, San Blas, and The Bahamas, as well as the eastern seaboard of the U.S. In 2022, we crossed the Atlantic to the Mediterranean and sailed as far east as Croatia and Greece in 2023.
We returned to our winter marina in Sicily in April 2024 and followed the Mediterranean coastlines of Italy, France, and Spain before sailing to the Canary Islands. We expect to cross the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean in December and enjoy one final winter in the Virgin Islands and The Bahamas. After 8 years of this amazing adventure, we plan to sell Gémeaux and become landlubbers in California.