Birthday Adventure

When my friend and I couldn’t find a date to celebrate her birthday in CA, naturally the only solution was to celebrate on Gémeaux in the Caribbean!

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All In A Day’s Work

The bay at Grand Cas catapults to the top of our favorite places as a dinghy delivers fresh, hot croissants on this early morning. Goodbye gluten-free diet.

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When Is Home Home?

The dining room table will always be a work bench. There will always be projects, always something new to learn. This is how “home” is redefined.

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Midnight Alarms

Sound asleep just past midnight, the alarm rang notifying us that the boat had moved. Had we drifted out to sea, into another boat, or crashed into the rocky shoreline?

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Climbing the Mast

When two of the three crew suffer from severe acrophobia, there’s no question who will be charged with climbing the mast for any repairs.

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Securing The Mooring Ball

Today I learn how to attach our sailboat to a mooring ball. Simple enough. Little like threading a needle in the wind while standing on one leg.

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Quiet Mornings

The light of the new day and cacophony of distant roosters wakes me. Last night’s storm left an arrangement of gray puffy clouds trimmed in pink and orange. I will be an early riser in this new life.

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Wait…There’s Moore!

There are many things I adore about Jim, not the least of which is his ability to entertain Allen. They share the same addiction for all things electronic and can analyze the threads of a bolt for days.

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Follow our cat

For more stories and photos of our current location (and Zemi!), please follow us at gemeauxcat on Instagram and Facebook.

Where We Are

Click on the map to zoom into our location and past voyages.

Where We’ve Been

Our adventure began in 2016 when we discovered Gémeaux in St. Martin. We explored the Caribbean, Colombia, San Blas, and The Bahamas, as well as the eastern seaboard of the U.S. In 2022, we crossed the Atlantic to the Mediterranean and sailed as far east as Croatia and Greece in 2023.

Where We’re Headed

We returned to our winter marina in Sicily in April 2024 and are now westbound hugging the Mediterranean coastlines of Italy, France, and Spain. We expect to cross the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean in November and enjoy one final winter in the Virgin Islands and The Bahamas. After 8 years of this amazing adventure, we plan to sell Gémeaux and become landlubbers in California.

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