Provisioning For A Passage

I grew up in the National Park Service where the major grocery store was often 100 miles away. Fast forward through motherhood and backpacking trips and I feel well-equipped to provision a boat. Oh sea sickness…I hadn’t considered that.

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Lightning: Friend Or Foe?

There’s no better place to understand weather than in Antarctica–pelting ice blew sideways and 40mph winds threatened to blow us off the mountain. It was the moment I realized how much I love intense weather.

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I love how a day unfolds completely unexpectedly. How your road less travelled turns into one with many travelers. Take today for example–I was sure our sailing adventures were over.

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50 Shades Of Gray

Snowshoeing across Antarctica is a barren landscape. You take away wildlife, plants, even rocks, and you are left with a monochromatic landscape as far as the eye can see.

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More Projects

The risk of 70 feet of steel falling on the ground or onto the boat was too much to watch. I hid in the closet with the cat.

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Barefoot With A Wool Hat

Until this week I couldn’t take off enough clothes to stay cool. Now, just following Hurricane Harvey, I cannot steal enough body heat to stay warm.

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Meet the Parents

Every parent wants to know how their children are doing. On day two when my dad announced he wanted to go for a swim, I was certain he would never reappear.

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The Perfect Boat Person Is…

…An organized workaholic. That makes us a good team–I’m organized and Allen is a workaholic. Or rather, Allen’s a project-aholic, as perfectly illustrated by our salon table.

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Night Watch Is Like Childbirth

My head hurts as I try to process the steps I must take to avert a potential collision. Stay strong, stay awake, the baby, er, the morning is almost here. I’m never having another baby EVER. 

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The Land Of Ma’am

Our first glimpse of land are antebellum mansions, each with their own dock. The scorching weather, however, keeps any sign of humanity indoors so our arrival on this July 4th is quiet.

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Sea Artist

In an instant, the clutter of civilization is behind us and we are surrounded by a canvas of blue as far as the eye can see. The endless view of water and sky is both boring and awesome.

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Wandering Underway

When I grow up I want to wander the planet and photograph and write about women. That’s been my dream and today it began.

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At 2am we float quietly away in a dead calm. And then I’m awakened–“Mommy, you need to get up—we’re in a big storm and we lost the sail!”

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Destination: Ft Lauderdale

Just as we returned the barracuda to the sea, the other line raced. The crowd roared! We successfully landed a 15lb red snapper! Gémeaux once again was a fishing boat.

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Follow our cat

For more stories and photos of our current location (and Zemi!), please follow us at gemeauxcat on Instagram and Facebook.

Where We Are

Click on the map to zoom into our location and past voyages.

Where We’ve Been

Our adventure began in 2016 when we discovered Gémeaux in St. Martin. We explored the Caribbean, Colombia, San Blas, and The Bahamas, as well as the eastern seaboard of the U.S. In 2022, we crossed the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and sailed as far east as Croatia and Greece. We explored the coastlines of Italy, France and Spain in our final season and exited the Mediterranean late in 2024. We wrapped up the year with a 21-day crossing back across the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean.

Where We’re Headed

Still enjoying memories of the Med, we are happy to be back in the turquoise waters of The Bahamas. We plan to sail back to the US in May and give someone else the pleasure of sailing on Gémeaux. Anybody want to buy a boat?! It has been an adventure of a lifetime but we "think" we're ready to return to land life in California.

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