I’ve been getting a lot of complaints about my lack of writing. Some readers have even asked if our website is broken because the last post doesn’t match our current location. Okay, I get it. In my defense, however, we move so fast and my brain and arthritic thumbs move so slowly—it’s hard to quickly crank out the right words. But…I’m going to try a new approach—share from Gémeaux’s logbook.

I started maintaining a daily log when we first came onboard Gémeaux. In the beginning, I captured everything sailing—weather, boat speed, which sails we used, which things we broke. Over time, I started recording the creatures I spied underwater so I could remember their habits and habitats. As our travels took us to destinations filled with history and yummy restaurants, I branched out to include interesting facts and culinary delights. The logbook also became a place to record more personal sentiments—sea sickness during passages, loneliness, and random thoughts that I just needed to get off my chest. Every day, for the nearly eight years we’ve been onboard, I’ve made an entry. Lest you think I don’t write much; I’ve spewed out more than 300k words!

Starting with our current location of Marseille, I’ll share from our logbook. I’ll pare it down and focus on the highlights, but I’m not going to fact check and guarantee clever prose. I also promise not to turn Gémeaux’s blog into Shiera’s diary—you’ll have to come visit for 😘