We arrived in mainland Europe in August 2022, explored Croatia and Greece in 2023, and are now westbound hugging the coastlines of Italy, France, and Spain. We expect to cross the Atlantic to the Caribbean in November and enjoy one final winter in the Virgin Islands and The Bahamas. After 8 years of this amazing adventure, we plan to sell Gémeaux and become landlubbers in California.
Where We’ve Been

Our adventure began in 2016 when we discovered Gémeaux in St. Martin. We explored the Caribbean, Colombia, San Blas, and The Bahamas, as well as the eastern seaboard of the U.S. In 2022, we crossed the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and sailed as far east as Croatia and Greece. We explored the coastlines of Italy, France and Spain in our final season and exited the Mediterranean late in 2024. We wrapped up the year with a 21-day crossing back across the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean.
Where We’re Headed

Still enjoying memories of the Med, we are happy to be back in the turquoise waters of The Bahamas. We plan to sail back to the US in May and give someone else the pleasure of sailing on Gémeaux. Anybody want to buy a boat?! It has been an adventure of a lifetime but we "think" we're ready to return to land life in California.