The Trouble with Marine Plumbing…. a Shitty Problem
The toilet is an interesting piece of engineering on a boat. It generally works well unless something other than toilet paper and poop goes in…
Read MorePosted by allen | Jan 22, 2019 | Allen's Fo'c'sle
The toilet is an interesting piece of engineering on a boat. It generally works well unless something other than toilet paper and poop goes in…
Read MorePosted by allen | Nov 18, 2018 | Allen's Fo'c'sle
While I’ve owned a number of boats in the last 50 years, this boat has lots of new things to learn and challenges to solve. Perhaps things I’ve learned could help others, perhaps others could help me learn more.
Read MorePosted by allen | Mar 23, 2017 | Adventures
Our first big passage-a 1500 mile journey broken into two one-week segments from St. Martin to Ft. Lauderdale. Here’s the ship’s log for the first leg.
Read MoreOur adventure began in 2016 when we discovered Gémeaux in St. Martin. We explored the Caribbean, Colombia, San Blas, and The Bahamas, as well as the eastern seaboard of the U.S. In 2022, we crossed the Atlantic to the Mediterranean and sailed as far east as Croatia and Greece in 2023.
We returned to our winter marina in Sicily in April 2024 and followed the Mediterranean coastlines of Italy, France, and Spain before sailing to the Canary Islands. We expect to cross the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean in December and enjoy one final winter in the Virgin Islands and The Bahamas. After 8 years of this amazing adventure, we plan to sell Gémeaux and become landlubbers in California.